Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sorry this is going to be a long one. We went to church today out here in Idaho at what would be my grandparents ward if they were members. The couple that spoke had such a wonderful message that I just had to take a minute to share a few things. First the wife spoke. She was a returned missionary who felt as if she was inadequate to be a missionary because she did not fit the "cookie-cutter" mold that everyone thinks missionaries have to be. Through her struggles and lessons she learned that everyone is different and that everyone has different lessons to be learned by all of the things life throws at us. She referenced a talk given by Joseph B Worthlin, it was called, "Concern for the one" ( I think....I will find out for sure once I am home and update this) But anyways, in this talk he said that everyone is different and everyone has talents that are picked by our Heavenly Father to be unique to each of us. This is so awesome! I feel so blessed to know that each of the talents I have been given was chosen specifically for me by my Father in Heaven and he knew what things I would need in order to return to live with Him. That is as long as I use those talents in a good way. That isn't everything she shared but it is all I have time to type. The husband spoke next. He said that he had only been a member for about three years, and in this time he has given eight talks, one at a Stake Conference as well. This sounds very familiar, being that I have only been a member for a little over 4 years and I have given my share of talks already. Anyways, he started talking about his life and some of the trials he faced being a non-member in an area full of members. (he lived in Idaho Falls) A lot of the things he talked about were similar to the many things that happened to me and my family growing up as non-members as well. To sum it all up he stated that the Gospel and the Church are perfect, but that can't change the fact that we are all human and we are all sinners. Just because we are members of this perfect church, doesn't change the fact that we are given our free agency to make our own choices, which often times we make the wrong ones, thus we may offend people along the way. But we also need to be quick to forgive and not hold anything against our friends and neighbors. Sorry to be so preachy, but these two people really did an awesome job and I wanted to recognize them for their efforts. It is so nice to come six hours away from our home and to know that the Church is the same everywhere we go. Also it was nice to hear the Testimonies of the Saints in Idaho, they are so strong out here as well. Thanks for letting me share!

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