Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I was over at my friends house the other night and we were having a little girl time while the boys played the wii. Well she showed me this way funny blog! It is called Seriously, So Blessed. Ok, so this blog is a fake person who is sort of making fun of LDS people, but not really. She is only really pointing out all of the totally crazy, funny, weird, or to some normal things that most of us do, but just all together at the same time so it is really intense. I can't really explain it very well. the best way to experience it would be to read through some of the posts. Have fun!!


beth said...

So I've actually seen that before and I didn't even get that it was fake because I read way too many blogs that are exactly like that! :)

Emlyn said...

Yay! I created an addict... so so funny!

Anonymous said...

cara add me. do it you know you want to.