Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dr. Stewart Yeager

So since Saturday when we moved all of our furniture back and reorganized our house I have had a VERY sore wrist. I developed tendonitis at my old job and it has occasionally aggravated me ever since. Well I went to my Chiropractor tonight, Dr Stewart Yeager, and *poof* he fixed my wrist and it is not in pain at all anymore! So if anyone has any really big problems that other doctors say can't be fixed, he's the man to call.

Monday, November 24, 2008

New carpet, long weekend!

We got our new carpet this weekend. On Friday night we moved everything into our kitchen and into our next door neighbor's house (thanks Jeano and Jess). Once everything was out of the rooms, the boys ripped out the carpet and Jess and I went to see Twilight! I know, we should have stayed and helped, but it was totally a man thing and I think they had more fun doing that then they would have had coming with us. BTW Best movie ever!!! That night we had a slumber party at our neighbors house, the boys played video games and the girls went to sleep. (we are so exciting I know) On Saturday Jess' dad came and put our new carpet in, thanks Alan. In case anyone needs new carpet, he is quick, efficient and affordable, and also he is totally awesome! Once the carpet was in, it was now time for vacuuming and moving everything back to its place (thanks David). It took the rest of the day to move it all and clean everything, but my house is now back together and smells wonderful. No more old moldy carpet smell!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Second place isn't as bad as not placing at all right? We totally brought our full A-game tonight. The other team just had a little bit more. (way to go Wandamere!!) But all in all we put up a pretty awesome fight!

Our Stake Volleyball Championship game was tonight. We played an undefeated season. And lost, right at the end of it all.

I think I am too sad to continue posting anything tonight...

To be continued once recovered...

Friday, November 14, 2008

One more week!

I can't believe it is only one more week til Twilight comes out! I am so excited! I only wish I was going to be able to go see it next weekend as well. You see, we are also getting new carpet that same weekend so we have to move all of our furniture into our neighbors house and get ready for Saturday for our carpet guy (friends dad) to come over and make our house look wonderful again. Unless Gerriss is ok getting absolutely no sleep and wants to go see it with me late that night, and if we can still get tickets, it looks like I will have to wait til a week or two after to go see it. Or....maybe I can talk Gerriss into seeing it for FHE on the following Monday night....well either way I am still so excited for Twilight and for new carpet! YAY!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


My family is not very big on guns or shooting or anything of the sorts so when I met Gerriss and he had a gun rack with a rifle in the back window of his truck it was a bit much for my family to take. Me on the other hand, I didn't care too much at first, but as we thought of our future of children and stuff I said NO WAY. Well recent "changes" have made me start thinking... I know there are a lot of reasons why not to have guns in the house but I think that sometimes we have to compromise and come to an agreement. So Gerriss has done A LOT of explaining, complaining and sales pitching and finally I decided that it is ok to have them in our house. We have been talking lately about him getting his concealed weapons permit just in case he wants to get a handgun so that he knows how to handle it and for safety purposes. So since I said that he took that as an open invitation to get a hand gun. Tonight Gerriss traded his bass guitar and his amp for a Michigan Armament 1911 .45 acp ...whatever that is. But he is so happy and excited so I guess its good.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Grape Juice!

Grandma taught me how to make grape juice yesterday. We spent the whole day prior picking grapes off the vines and washing them and getting them ready to be canned. It was a long process but now we have 25 bottles of delicious grape juice! I am so excited! Every time we go to mom and dad's house for special occasions they pull out the home made grape juice and I absolutely love it, and now I can too. Thanks Grandma!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

"It's time for a change"

While I have been reading through a few many blogs this morning I have read many thoughts about our new President. I may not agree with the decision that was made but I will respect our President and his administration. I will also continue to pray the Barack Obama will make the right changes and choices for our nation. And like I read on so many other blogs today, my faith in Jesus Christ will lead me and my family in the right direction and will keep us all safe. All I can say is: