Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dr. Stewart Yeager

So since Saturday when we moved all of our furniture back and reorganized our house I have had a VERY sore wrist. I developed tendonitis at my old job and it has occasionally aggravated me ever since. Well I went to my Chiropractor tonight, Dr Stewart Yeager, and *poof* he fixed my wrist and it is not in pain at all anymore! So if anyone has any really big problems that other doctors say can't be fixed, he's the man to call.


Abigail said...

I'm glad the "move" went well. Glad your wrist is doing better. We love our Chiropractor too. I'm not sure how much he loves all of us when all 6 of us come storming in every Monday night. LOL

Brand797 said...

That is great, I love the new carpet! I'm glad it went well and that things are back to normal. BTW I love your background!

Emlyn said...

My mom's physical therapist knows how to do adjustments to fix broken tailbones so I'm going to do those visits for my Christmas present. I WILL NOT tell you the technique she uses!