Tuesday, November 11, 2008


My family is not very big on guns or shooting or anything of the sorts so when I met Gerriss and he had a gun rack with a rifle in the back window of his truck it was a bit much for my family to take. Me on the other hand, I didn't care too much at first, but as we thought of our future of children and stuff I said NO WAY. Well recent "changes" have made me start thinking... I know there are a lot of reasons why not to have guns in the house but I think that sometimes we have to compromise and come to an agreement. So Gerriss has done A LOT of explaining, complaining and sales pitching and finally I decided that it is ok to have them in our house. We have been talking lately about him getting his concealed weapons permit just in case he wants to get a handgun so that he knows how to handle it and for safety purposes. So since I said that he took that as an open invitation to get a hand gun. Tonight Gerriss traded his bass guitar and his amp for a Michigan Armament 1911 .45 acp ...whatever that is. But he is so happy and excited so I guess its good.


Emily said...

Okay.... we will never mess with you guys or try to break in.... promise!

Melissa said...

We have never had that talk but its something I have often wondered how I would react if it was brought up. I still don't know. What kind of "changes" made you change your mind?

Heidi said...

Holy Cow!!!

Cara... We are SO going shooting together. You'll learn to LOVE it! (I didn't grow up in that type of environment either... Brian had to convince me for awhile... but now I'm a believer! And I own my OWN gun... ;) )

Lets go get OUR concealed permits together!!! *winks*

Jackie said...

Don't ever leave the conversation open to whatever they feel is the best for their situation. : ) That is pretty funny though.

Cara: "Gerriss you should go and get a concealed weapons permit so you know how to handle your guns"

Gerriss: "Hey Cara, forget the concealed weapons class. I just traded a bunch of my stuff and got the gun. Is that okay?"

Abigail said...

Guns totally freaked me out too. Then I lived in a country and married into a culture where it was big. Things were so bad (crime wise) that Peter took his gun with us when we traveled to the temple. He wasn't the only checking one in at the recommend desk. The key is education about guns and remembering to keep them locked in a safe. :) We have no guns with us now - Peter left them behind in South Africa at his parents. I did date a guy once though that stuck his pistol down the front of his pants. Now that was way too weird and stupid for me!

beth said...

OK that is too funny about the pistol down his pants!

Cara, I feel the way you do! Joe's dad came out to visit and said he wanted to buy Joe a gun. Joe at least came to ask me first, so I said ok. But I don't love it. He took it camping once and shot some random stuff there like pop cans and trees. Now that Joe has built a shelf in the garage, the gun has to move out of our bedroom closet! That is how I feel and I HAVE shot guns before. I just don't like the idea of guns as toys.