Wednesday, October 1, 2008

$200 later

Last month Gerriss and I were saving for a few trips we are planning on taking this month and in February. So since we had to save so much for the plane tickets and stuff we decided to be as frugal as possible on our spending habits. Well, we learned that if you don't buy extra groceries for a month and only live off the essential items, it costs more the next month to replenish the extra things used up. So in the long run we didn't really end up saving that much at all. This month has just begun and we have already almost maxed out our grocery budget. I really need Richelle to show me how to get groceries for cheaper, and to use coupons better! If anyone doesn't know who I am talking about just check out her blog, and you can see how amazing she is at food storage and such. Oh well, at least we won't be eating mac and cheese every night again.


Emily said...

Seriously... my sister amazes me too! You would think I would have caught on by now. No such luck!

Wendy G. Atkins said...

yeah its also nice to live by her too... if you run out of something you can always go to the Dean Market to get whatever your heart desires!

Emlyn said...

I don't understand couponing at all... I hate even having to worry about using 2 or 3...