We gave Jack a bath today. He really hates his bath time, but he has been molting so much lately and we read that we should bathe him once a week. So we have been alternating between his spray on oil bath and a water bath. He looks so funny when he is wet cause his feathers are all stuck together and he looks all skinny and little. He was freezing after his bath today so we put him on top of the vent in our front room. He was so cute, he started to fall asleep he loved it so much. Then when the heater would turn off he would look at us like "hey why did you turn that off, I was enjoying myself." So we had the heat up to like 75 just trying to keep it running so that he could get warm and dry faster. It was the cutest thing ever! Ok maybe not ever, but I get really excited about really small things.
Also, we went to a ward Halloween Party tonight that was the funnest Halloween Party I have ever been to, seriously! So we are heading over to gramps and grandmas house to hand out candy cause there is a parade down their street every year. As we pull onto their street there is a fire truck and two police motorcycles and about one hundred other people in costumes. It was totally awesome! The parade has a police escort around the block! So we handed out candy and then once every one was back from trick-or-treating around the block, there was popcorn, hotdogs, and all other sorts of sweets and treats at our friends house. We got some pictures of the various costumes people were wearing. Some of them are quite amusing!